
A traditional Afro-Diasporic folktale from the west indies that I love to tell about love, a sac of pigeons, and (in classic-folklore fashion) strange & sometimes grotesque detail.
In the beginning of this video I botch my drumming, but they kept the camera rolling.. In the end, I decided to leave the whole recording in tact… like it would’ve been had You and I been sitting in the room together.
12 mins.

filmed by Louis Bockner
funded by: The Langham Culture Centre


Black Roots

I composed this poem on the day of my eldest son’s 7th birthday. It is for him and for all young Black-heritage Canadians who struggle to believe they have a rooted place on this land.
4 mins.

videographer & editor Louis Bockner


I was given a simple directive: create a mini-video that reveals how you believe the world could be transformed for the better. This is that creation.
2 mins.

Commissioned by Peunte Theatre for the National Arts Council of Canada


where are you now?

This drum song is a cry-out. Asking Soul, Strength, Hope, and God where they’ve gone. Why we feel abandoned, and when, if at all, they will ever return.
3 mins.

Commissioned by Nelson and District Arts Council
Funded by the Vancouver Foundation