Through our Flesh
Through our Blood
Through our Spirit
Through our Stories
May we find our way Home…
I am Shayna Jones
I am Mother to two sons and one daughter of infinite soul and caramel twist skin.
I live my days from a remote hamlet, in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada.
and I am an Afro-centric Folklorist, Traditional Oral Storyteller, and Spoken Word Artist.
These threads of my existence flow from my blood, and from my very soul. Unearthing, shaping, telling, and even living Folklore is, for me, an intrinsically spiritual act. Mothering my children, as it is given to me, is an intrinsically spiritual act. So too is living close to the land.
Such living is my act of quiet resistance to the over-culture and my act of resiliency within it. It is my way of reaching inward and outward unto my Creator, and unto the Mothers that went before me - wayward though we all may be. It is my way of coming Home.
If I am so blessed, I will unearth and speak tales until I am buried in the ground,
and will keep right on whispering them,
right into the ears of my great great grandchildren
as they wander through a dark wood,
sniffing for the scent of Home.
What a glorious thing that will be...